How to be irresistible to a high quality man - Attract & keep him

Have you ever known a woman who seemed to effortlessly attract men?

I’m talking about the type of woman you didn’t want the guy you liked or were dating to meet because you were afraid he’d fall for her on sight like every other guy seemed to.

Was she carefree, fun, radiant, beautiful and irresistible? Would you describe her as a guy magnet?

If the answer is yes today I’m going to share the secrets to her success with men and how you can use the same practices to shift your energy and the way you show up with men to attract the man you desire or create more attraction in the relationship you already have.

1. She knows she is high value and behaves accordingly
Being high value comes down to having high standards and clear boundaries which come from you knowing exactly what you want in a relationship. It’s also what enables you to attract quality men who will chase and commit to you without the games and strategies.

When your standards and what you want are clearly defined it allows you to confidently walk away and express yourself freely. You will naturally be challenging, which is key in attraction, and he will want to step up to the plate and earn your heart if he is the right man for you.

Most women get the action aspect to being high value wrong.

So I want to give you some examples of the type of questions you need to know the answers to so that you can create boundaries and standards around what you want.

Know when you are ready to have sex with a man. Do you need to be in a committed relationship? Do you need to be married? Is it after a man has invested a certain amount of time and energy? Get very clear on your timing and stick to it.
How often do you want to see him in person?
Do you want to have kids someday and if so does he?
How much contact do you need from your man when you’re not together (phone calls, good morning/night texts)?
How do you want to feel when you’re with him?
What qualities do you want your man to have?
Answer these questions and store the answers in your heart. Let them be your foundation for the man you choose. Get as detailed as you can and I promise you, you will start to attract the man for you.

Remember nothing is sexier than a confident, feminine, and high-value woman who is clear on what she wants.

Never downplay your needs or settle for a guy because he’s fine, charming and makes a lot of money – or for any reason. Choose you first. The man you need and desire is out there.

2. She lives a full life guided by her heart, soul, and values
An irresistible woman lives a life that brings her happiness with or without a man.

She doesn’t depend on her love life to live her own life or to be happy.

Where many of us go wrong is when we create a life centered solely around our desire to attract and keep a man.

An irresistible woman lives a life that he wants to be a part of.

She only allows a man into her life when she genuinely likes him for who he is and as he consistently invests in her with his time and attention.

The irresistible woman that you find yourself wondering, “how is she so amazing” isn’t plotting how she’s going to GET him.
Instead, she knows she is enough, flaws and all. In that full acceptance of herself, she shows up confident, vulnerable, real, and radiant. She doesn’t perform or transform into someone she thinks he wants to please him.
With this mentality alone she is able to connect to his heart in a rare a highly attractive way.

So what am I trying to say here?

What I’m saying is one of the most important aspects to attracting a high-quality man and keeping him is creating a life you love living.

Live a full life so that when you interact with the man you’re really attracted to, or anyone really, it’s not out of unhealthy neediness or inferiority, but from a feminine high-value mindset, confidence, and authentic vulnerability.

Nothing pushes a man away faster than desperation, codependence, and low self-worth. Which is exactly what we communicate when we act inauthentic or use strategies to convince a man to like us.
Your spiritual pillar –
When you are spiritually full it deepens your connection and understanding of who you are to your core and it allows you to feel and express yourself with passion, warmth, and vulnerability.

Having a solid spiritual pillar is also part of the foundation for having solid boundaries and standards.

This is what will give you the clarity you need to weed out the men who are not a good fit for you and at the same time it makes you more attractive because it calls for a man to step up. And we all know how much men love a challenge (not being sarcastic).

Going deeper into your spirituality is going to give you the confidence that men find so attractive.

You’ll begin to leap, trust, walk away and express yourself without fear of losing him, or if he’s not suited for you meeting someone else.

Your social/hobbies pillar –
Spend time doing what brings you joy.

A lot of us go wrong when we get into a relationship, or prematurely commit to a man before he has stepped up and asked for exclusivity, and we start to give him all of our time while abandoning our own hobbies and interests.

We can almost become fixated on the guy we’re with and then we wonder why he starts to pull away.

We stop going out with our friends, we stop going to the gym and we stop bettering ourselves because we want to stay close to him.

The thing is, you have to choose yourself before he will choose you. Your hobbies, your friends, and the people you care about are a huge part of life.

Allow him to experience them with you, and even if he doesn’t your reaction to doing these things is what’s going to make you more attractive to him.

Goals and self-development pillar –
What do you want in your life? Do you want to travel five times a year, work from home, become a better speaker, get your college degree? Figure out what you want and go after it.

When you develop your own life by going after what you want it takes away your desire/need to settle for a man you’re not really into or who isn’t emotionally invested.

A lot of women settle for men like this because they need them to survive. Start setting yourself up so you can have the security you need to feel safe.

Yes men want to be needed and they want to provide but when they feel that you have an underlying agenda meaning you’re using them, it turns them off and they pull away.

This is why you need to get yourself together first.

As a result, you’ll be able to choose men who you have a real connection with not just men who have the resources you need.

Self-care pillar –
Make taking care of yourself a priority on a daily basis.

That means making sure you have what you need to feel your most confident, pampering yourself, getting your hair done, going for walks, or making sure you eat healthily.

Don’t neglect your mind, body, and soul. Figure out what you need and develop daily routines that satisfy those needs.

I know this is basic stuff but a lot of women don’t prioritize this pillar or make it an “if I have time” thing to do. We are all busy but self-care has to be a top priority.

When you really take care of yourself it changes your whole vibe and men will sense this on a deep subconscious level.

Creating a full life when you’re feeling lonely, unwanted and like time is ticking is hard. You want to be held, claimed, touched, and loved – and you deserve it.

However, if you don’t create a life you love you are at risk of becoming needy, codependent, and desperate with a scarcity mindset when you interact with men. Which is all highly unattractive to quality men.

That is why being irresistible starts with you living a full life with strong pillars in place that enable you to be confident, happy and the best version of you.

3. She is grounded in her femininity which puts men in a state of awe of her.
There are two aspects to being feminine. There is internal and external feminine essence and both are very important. 

The external aspect of being feminine is all about the way you dress, walk, talk, smell – everything to do with your appearance.

This is what initially attracts a masculine man to you, but it’s your internal feminine essence that oozes out and makes you irresistible.

Most women go wrong when they only focus on their appearance, instead of putting their energy into connecting with their heart which is where your true femininity is.

The internal aspect of being feminine is directly related to your ability to connect with your heart and feelings plus your ability to lean back.
Leaning back is all about allowing a man to lead, plan dates, pursue you, do things for you, and initiate communication.

But before I get into that here are a few points to keep in mind for the external aspect.

How to be more feminine externally
Wear bright colors
Smile (which shows confidence and receptivity)
Energy in your hips (allow your hips to sway as you walk, allow your butt to move a little too, lol it’s okay. You don’t have to force it just allow these movements to happen).
Wear dresses and clothes that accentuate your feminine qualities in a classy way.
Pretty easy standard stuff right?

*Keep in mind this is just a guideline and general observations I’ve made of feminine women. You are not limited or held to just these qualities.

Men are very visual and they do desire a beautiful woman who puts effort into her appearance so I couldn’t skip over this part.

However, I know that most of us have this down. It’s the internal feminine essence that we really need to work on (including myself).

Keep the following examples in your mind to better understand what internal feminine essence ends up looking like with a man.

How to be more feminine internally:
Allow him to chase you. Masculine men want to pursue you, you don’t need to plan dates, initiate contact when he pulls away, or tell him that he needs to step up.
Feminine energy is all about being, responding and receiving from the masculine. Learn to lean back energetically and let him do for you.
 When he leads respond with warmth, vulnerability, and authenticity.
Let go of bitterness and anger. Laugh, be present, and express how you feel. Being feminine is all about the way you feel. Express from your heart, not your head.
Stop competing with him about your accomplishments. Yes, you’re beautiful, smart, successful and independent but that’s not what attracts a man to you. It only makes you feel like another man when he talks to you – which is a huge turn off for masculine men.
Instead of sharing what you’ve done, talk about how you feel, listen to him and be in the now.
If you’re feeling nervous allow yourself to feel that. That’s better than pretending to be the super cool girl and fake happy. You have to be real and authentic. Just be you-you are enough.
You don’t need to fill in the awkward silences or be this perfect girl. Let him step up and come towards you. Relax, he will come.

When he can see the real and flawed you that accepts yourself and him that is when he will start to fall hard for you.
And that my beautiful friend, is where your true power is, right in your soft feminine heart. So… lean all the way back and let him do and lead.

More to keep in mind…
Do not forget, masculine energy men crave a woman who they can relax around. Not a woman who competes with him and constantly tells him how he needs to step up.

He wants and needs to be seen and accepted for who he is.

He needs to feel like you are his safe house. A place where love, peace, care, kindness, and full acceptance is for him. Those are all things that feminine energy does for the masculine man.

This does not mean be a doormat. It means to embrace your feminine essence with your man. If you can’t let your guard down and do that with him you’re probably with the wrong person or you have some deep issues that you need to work on before you end up losing your relationship.

So just to sum everything up, live a passionate full life, ground yourself in your femininity (externally and internally), and be a confident high-value woman who knows what she wants. Never settle.


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