
Showing posts from January, 2021

17 Things Girls Do That Guys Love (Secretly)

There are just some things that girls do that guys love. Some are the cute and adorable quirks that you have while others are more about how you act when together.   Things Girls Do that Guys Love Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love 1. Show physical affection There are many ways to show physical affection, some are subtle and others are much more obvious. Each of the ways listed are small but important ways to give attention that he will definitely appreciate. 2. Touches when talking This simple act shows affection when you are together. While having a conversation, you can lean in and touch their arm or shoulder.   When you want to feel close to another person this easy way shows that you want to be close with them. 3. Cuddling Whether you are watching a movie and your head is laying on his chest or relaxing in bed and just holding each other, cuddling is universally loved. Where people differ is usually when they are trying to sleep. It

What Men want in a Woman: 5 Ways to Make him Chase You

Every women at some point wonders what men want in a woman. What is the secret to attraction and magnetism? Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love We also put together a great list of ways to make him chase you High value woman This means that people value what is not easily given or gotten. We know this, anything that we work for has a higher perceived value. This happens in all aspects of life and is especially important in relationships.Being a high value woman means her time and attention is not given to anyone who is not worth it. This forces men to bring their A game which is necessary to win her over! A high value woman has opinions and she voices them. She is not overly pleasing or acquiescing, guys think that women that have those traits aren’t confident in being their own person. Having principles and standards that she lives her life by. No matter what those standards are she verbalizes them in a way that gets your point across while still being nice

5 Ways To Enhance Your Feminine Allure (And Drive Him Wild)

Though women like Angelina Jolie are gorgeous, there are many women more beautiful. It's all about the way she feels inside and how the energy those feelings create radiate off her. This makes her beauty very special.  Click Here The #1 Reason Men Lose Interest In Women They Love Even if you didn't know about her accomplishments and humanitarian acts, you probably would still be drawn to her. She knows how to attract men (and women!) with her look. And these tips will teach you how to be more feminine and to attract men to your beauty and grace. 1. Indulge your senses. Part of having feminine allure is being a sensual woman. When you are sensitive to and easily enjoy the beauty found in touch, sound, taste, sight, and smell, you effortless draw men in. See, men are enchanted with sensual women. They make men feel comforted, curious about something foreign to them, and very aroused. Sensuality is arousing because sex involves all your senses and your sensuality makes your man th