Be the woman he craves

Being a high-value woman men crave comes down to you knowing your boundaries and standards, expressing them in a feminine way, and embracing the consequences of standing firm on them.
This screams high-value because you are choosing yourself first. Men fall in love with women who do this – not people pleasing nice girls.
On top of that, a high-value woman has a combination of amazing qualities that enable her to live a life where she gets the respect and admiration she deserves from men and from everyone else in her life.

She is confident in standing by her standards and she is willing to walk away when a man doesn’t step up to meet her needs.

Men are so attracted to this type of woman because she challenges him and at the same time, she inspires him to step up and be a better man.

I believe every woman has an innate high-value. Some of us just don’t realize how valuable we are so we justify and accept poor circumstances and mistreatment. Furthermore, we don’t take the time to fully explore what we want and what we don’t want.

I chose to write this post because I used to be a low-value woman. I remember feeling used and discarded. Men would say, “you’re really nice but I’m not ready for a relationship.” Or, “you’re too good for me.”

I got my heart broken A Lot. Then one day I became feed up and everything changed. I started to see and own my value.

So today I’m going to share the top qualities and practices of a woman who knows her true value and effortlessly inspires men to move mountains for her.

Five Qualities of a High-value Woman 

1. She has standards in place that she stands firm on
A high-value woman knows what she wants and needs from a man to be satisfied in a relationship. As a result she sets standards for herself and for the man she’s dating to get those needs met.

When a man disregards her standards the high-value woman expresses her feelings around it in a feminine way and if he doesn’t shift his behavior she leaves the relationship.

Things you should consider having standards around
When you want to have sex
How you want to be treated on a date
Knowing what your deal breakers are
How much time do you need with a man
What language or behavior offends you
How do you want your time to be respected
Enforcing your standards when you really like a guy can be difficult. However, if you express your standards it will actually make him more attracted to you and it will raise your value in his eyes dramatically.

You definitely want to stay away from people pleasing behaviors, and putting him on a pedal stool. Instead, put yourself on a pedal stool in your mind. You are the prize that he needs to win. Masculine men love a challenge and they will step up to meet your standards if you enforce them in a feminine way.

2. She’s confident and if not, she works to become confident
Be confident in knowing that you are the prize. Start being unapologetic in who you are and know that your soul mate or your dream guy is hunting for you.

In knowing that, you are going to start oozing confidence and you’re not going to accept bad behavior.

You saying no to things that don’t feel good like men showing up late for dates, not opening your door, not calling you for weeks but still wanting sex, and not offering you the commitment you deserve is what will make you high-value.

A confident woman doesn’t apologize for being who she truly is and expressing what she wants. Instead, she stands up for what she believes in, she doesn’t hold back on enforcing her standards, and she believes that she is worthy of love and queen like treatment.

What you need to know about developing confidence
How confident you are will come out in the way you own what you say and what you do. Women who are not confident have a slight hesitation in everything they do and they tend to be people pleasers who abandon themselves.

The reason is that they don’t believe that they’re enough.

The foundation of self-confidence is believing in yourself and not allowing fear to hold you back. You need to have a clear understanding of your core values, boundaries, and standards.

Be in the moment and express your feelings and emotions authentically even if you’re sad or angry.  This screams confidence and high-value.

Set aside time to ask yourself questions to better understand who you are and what you want. This enables you to stop trying to control what he thinks of you so that you can be unapologetic in your self-expression.

3. She embraces her body and takes special care of it.
A high-value woman nurtures and accepts her body flaws and all. She demonstrates this by staying fit, eating healthy, and making her outer appearance a visual representation of her internal qualities.

She understands that no matter how busy she gets or what she has going on she should always spend time taking care of her body. This shows her self-respect and dedication to becoming the best version of herself.

Men are very visual and they love seeing a woman who takes care of herself by showing love to her body.

Make a habit of nurturing and loving your body daily and it will inspire a man to want to take care of you.

4. She’s connected to her heart
A high-value woman connects to her heart by being present and real with herself about how she feels. She follows her intuition and she expresses her emotions.

How to connect to your heart
If you’re struggling with being in tune with your feelings try closing your eyes and think to yourself “how do I feel right now?” After asking yourself this, answer honestly out loud.

If you think it’s too weird or if you just want to go deeper I highly recommend journaling about how you feel. Every night before bed write down your thoughts, fears, and feelings without holding back. This will keep you connected to your heart and clearly able to identify what’s most important to you and what needs to change in your life.

5. She has healthy priorities that stay in place even after she’s in a relationship
A high-value woman has priorities that directly correlate to her values and she incorporates her priorities into her daily routine.

Most women have priorities but usually, after meeting someone and committing to a relationship, they start to procrastinate or disregard them all together.

This is where we start to unconsciously form unhealthy priorities and usually when men start to pull away and lose attraction.

What you need to know about developing healthy priorities 
Think of priorities as your most important actions and your values as the reasons and concepts behind those actions.

An example of this is if one of your values is to take great care of your body, a healthy priority for you would be to work out every morning at a set time. Now, after you’ve set your priority you have to put consistency and action behind it because without those two ingredients it’s not really a priority at all.

Having healthy priorities is essential to your overall happiness and it will help you stay grounded in your values while living a well-balanced life.

Once the man in your life sees you respecting yourself by following through with your priorities he will admire you deeply and he will see you as long-term partner material.

So make a list of your priorities and put the list in a place where you can see it on a daily. This will help you to actually follow through with taking the actions you need, and it will motivate you on days where you find yourself feeling lazy.

The reality is men crave a woman who passionately loves her own life. So before you can be with the man of your dreams you have to work on yourself first.

Try not to think of it as if you’re doing this just to get a guy but instead that you’re doing it to be a better person. Eventually, you will attract the man you want into your life


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